• Black Elk, the Sioux who inspired Alce Nero
Black Elk (Dec.1863 – Aug.1950) was a famous Sioux Holy Man, whose life and works have helped inspire many to be at one with nature and better understand Native American culture.
Several times during his life, Black Elk had visions in which he learned things that would help his people. In his "great vision", at the age of nine, he said he met the spirit that guided the universe and saw a large tree that symbolized the life of the earth and of the Indian people.
Black Elk was involved in several battles with the U.S. cavalry. He participated in the Battle of Little Big Horn of 1876 despite his young age, and was later injured in the Wounded Knee Massacre in 1890.
In 1887, Black Elk traveled to Europe with Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show, and even performed for Queen Victoria. The troop travelled through England, France, and as far as Italy.
Black Elk married twice, and had three children. After the passing of his first wife, he was baptized, taking the name Nicholas Black Elk and serving as a catechist. He continued to be a spiritual leader among his people, seeing no contradiction in embracing both his tribal traditions and Christianity.
Towards the end of his life, Black Elk revealed the story of his life for publication, and his accounts have won wide interest and acclaim. |
"The first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls of people when they realize their relationship, their oneness, with the universe and all its powers”
– Black Elk |
•Pioneer in organic farming in Italy, EU organic certified, and Chinese organic certified.
Alce Nero was started in the 1970’s, when two cooperatives of young Italian farmers decided to undertake a new type of activity: one that would produce wholesome food while respecting the environment. Thus, Alce Nero pioneered the organic revolution, by combining old farming methods with the most advanced research on health and the environment.
Today, the techniques have evolved, but our seal of quality is still based on the simple ingredients that Alce Nero was created from: love of the food, respect of the environment, and banning of synthetic chemical substances.
• Leaders of organic farming and Fairtrade sourcing in Italy
Today, Alce Nero is a leading brand. For more than 30 years, it has been synonymous of good, safe, fair and sustainable produce. On top of its constantly growing range of organic Italian food, Alce Nero now includes an array of Fairtrade products from all over the world.
Because our producers are involved in all stages of manufacture, we can enforce respect of our principles throughout the entire production process and accurately trace back our food to its origins. Thus, we can guarantee high quality, 100% organic, authentically Italian products brought straight from our fields to your plate.
Alce Nero is not only the leading organic brand in Italy, but also becoming a trademark world-wide. Our goal is to keep growing, to disseminate and nurture a passion for ever-increasing quality, sustainable agriculture, and an environment that continues to be rich and diverse.
“You don’t eat it because it’s organic. Rather you eat it because it’s delicious - and it happens to be organic”。